Wednesday, 11 July 2007

1st music moment

I picked up Stephen our music composer from the station yesterday. It was his 1st visit. The day the music man arrives is always magical. It means the film is moving on, taking shape and at a stage that other creatives are able to contribute their talents. Suddenly through them the film becomes so much better without me personally having to do much. That first time you hear music ideas sitting alongside scenes you have filmed and edited is pretty wonderful. I've worked with Stephen on a few films and so I know his music does the job beautifully, it adds it's own extra layers and enriches the film. Satisfying and an eye opener.

We have several landscape scenes in the film, e.g. dusk settling in on Alnmouth estuary, (home of the late J.J. Hardy) or graceful dry fly fishing on the Test in late afternoon sunshine, just add poignant well observed cello and piano and suddenly nice photography is transformed into beautiful, moving scenes. With Stephen's visit and viewing the film together the emotional potential of The Lost World of Mr Hardy leapt out. We saw for the first time our intention to make a connection with the past come true. What the film wants to do is engage and explore the craft and creativity of the craftsmen of the past - yesterday we realised it worked and it was very reassuring.

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