Sunday, 22 July 2007

The trailer (nearly)

Medlar Press kindly offered us the chance to show a promo for the film at the CLA Game Fair at Harewood this year. A great opportunity, it just meant cutting together a trailer. Believe it or not editing a film trailer's takes ages, weeks. It's not just because every frame counts and you are trying to squeeze in as much as you can, rather that you are trying to create a real sense of the flow and feel of the film and it is quite a gentle film. The other dilemma is we didn't really want to use spoken words - it was going to run on a continuous loop on a stand in The House of Fishing and so it would instead use music.

We dropped everything to concentrate on the trailer for 5 days. As the trailer slowly came to life it's quite surprising how it evolved to create it's own sense of mini-magic. The combination of some great archive footage; casting competitions and salmon fishing from the 20's, craftsmen at work today and also showing their treasured photos of time at Hardy's as well as Jim Hardy recollecting on camera and you suddenly do get this alchemy, the feel of this quite wonderful and magical lost world. The fact that their are no spoken words seems to make it even more special - representing that lost world even better. We were happy.

Then we discovered the Game Fair had been cancelled, the weather! Oh man what a shame!

We hope to put the trailer on the website soon instead. It needs a little tweaking first though. The edit was meant for a biggish screen so it looks and feels very different when watched on a tiny internet video window on a computer. The images need simplifying a little, will see what we can do though.

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